Personal Details

It is not possible to edit your First Name, Preferred Name or Last Name entries on this page. If you have changed your name and need to update this, please send the details through to us on and the team will be able to amend this for you.

Home Address

Please use Roman alphabetic/ numeric characters only.

Email Communication We strive to provide you with essential updates pertaining to your stay with us. While you have the option to unsubscribe from specific communication channels, please be aware that we will continue to send you emails that we consider vital in connection to your contract with us.

Emergency Contact

Wherever possible, we will seek your consent before sharing information with your emergency contact.

In circumstances where we consider you to be at risk of serious physical, emotional, or mental harm, and we are unable to gain your consent, we may share information with your emergency contact as part of keeping you safe. Such circumstances include where you:

• have unexpectedly been admitted to hospital for emergency treatment;

• have suffered a serious physical injury, including those relating to self-harm;

• have not been seen for an extended period of time and cannot be contacted;

• have an ongoing illness and appear to be significantly deteriorating; or

• are experiencing a mental health crisis.

This list is not exhaustive.

If you are non-binary, transgender or have variations of sex characteristics, also known as intersex, the answer you give can be different from what is on your birth certificate.

If you’re not sure how to answer, use the sex registered on your official documents, such as passport or driving licence, or whichever answer best describes your sex. The next question gives the option to tell us if your gender is different from your sex registered at birth, and, if different, to record your gender.

If you answered no, please enter the term you use to describe your gender in the write-in box. This is voluntary, so you can leave it blank if you prefer. You can also use the write-in box if you would like to record that you have variations of sex characteristics, also known as intersex, or to describe your gender identity.

Your General Practitioner (GP)

Please provide details of your current general practitioner/family doctor/primary care physician

Please remember to update this when you register with a GP at your Halls address.